Field notes

A Q&A With Our Latest Recruits!

We’ve been hard at work this field season, and we’re so lucky to have added some incredible new members to our team (we’re talking about you, Mira, Julien, Ashley (and more))! Before we do a full deep dive into all of their backgrounds, we wanted to introduce you to each archaeologist with a little roundtable … Read More A Q&A With Our Latest Recruits!

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Field notes

Q&A with Abigail

Meet Abigail! She is one of our supervising archaeologists. Abigail started working at Circle back in 2022 as a field archaeologist, making this her third field season. Abigail has a B.A. in Classics (Honours program), a certificate in International Learning, and a certificate in Archaeology from the University of Alberta (so impressive!). She has put … Read More Q&A with Abigail

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Field notes

Q&A with Louis

Louis is our Business Manager, having joined Circle CRM in 2024, he comes to us with decades of experience in running a business with leadership and advisory work experience, with an education background in Engineering. Louis is an important part of keeping everything running as smoothly as possible and has been a great addition to … Read More Q&A with Louis

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Field notes

Q&A with Emily

Emily is a new Assistant Archaeologist who recently graduated from the University of Calgary with a double major in Anthropology and Archaeology. It’s not too often that new grads find employment in their field prior to the convocation ceremony. Read about what made Emily pursue archaeology as a career path! How did you learn about … Read More Q&A with Emily

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Field notes

Q&A with Riley

Riley is one of our new Assistant Archaeologists and has wisely chosen to spend his spring and summer with us. Many students aren’t aware that they can gain meaningful employment (aka a real job!) before they graduate and we’re here to let you know what’s up. Read on about Riley and find out why he … Read More Q&A with Riley

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