Field notes

The Alberta Historical Resources Act – 50th Anniversary

Written by: Trevor Peck Indiana Jones may have you believe that archaeologists roam the world and answering to no one! In reality, we operate within a set of provincially governed mandates; in Alberta, this is known as the Historical Resources Act. In this blog, we are reflecting on the beginnings and the influence of this … Read More The Alberta Historical Resources Act – 50th Anniversary

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A Closer Look at Monitoring for Archaeology at New Developments in Alberta

Written by: Alexandra Burchill Archaeological monitoring consists of usually one to two archaeologists watching for archaeological material and searching backdirt piles on active construction sites. Monitoring is typically conducted during the winter months for a number of different projects, most common of which include a variety of oil and gas developments, buried utilities, and city … Read More A Closer Look at Monitoring for Archaeology at New Developments in Alberta

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Q&A with Kristin

This month, we’re chatting with Kristin! She has over 20 years of archaeological experience and is a Senior Project Manager and qualified permit-holding archaeologist for BC (Interior Plateau and Sub-Arctic/Boreal Forest), Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, and Northwest Territories. She has been responsible for all aspects of HRIA/AIA and HRIM work for small to large-scale developments throughout … Read More Q&A with Kristin

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Q&A With Tyler

This month, we sat down with Tyler to ask him some hard-hitting questions about his career in archaeology, his dream travel plans, his #1 piece of field equipment, and more! He is a Supervising Archaeologist with roots in Vancouver Island, but this guy has worked in various locations across Western Canada (including southern and central … Read More Q&A With Tyler

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Circle Does: Regulatory Timelines

Written by: Erika Sutherland So, you need an archaeologist?  If you are reading this, then you’ve likely encountered the term HRIA or AIA and been referred to a professional archaeologist, aka someone who works in Cultural Resource Management (like Circle CRM Group – it’s right in our name!). This would have likely come out of … Read More Circle Does: Regulatory Timelines

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