Q&A with Abigail
Meet Abigail! She is one of our amazing supervising archaeologists. Abigail started working at Circle back in 2022 as a field archaeologist, making this her third field season, working hard to elevate herself, learn all she can, and become a supervisor in the field. Abigail has a B.A. in Classics (Honors program), a certificate in International Learning, and a certificate in Archaeology from the University of Alberta (so impressive!). She has put that education to good use working in the field, learning about all she can, sharing what she knows, and finding many cool artifacts! Keep reading to learn more about Abigail and why she chose to take the path of consulting archaeology after completing her studies and entering into the workforce.
What made you first pursue Archaeology as a career path?
I’ve always been interested in history, but I have never been the kind of person to be able to sit still for very long. As a young person, trying to figure out how I could join my interests in history with being active and outdoors, I realized Archaeology was the perfect solution. I love how Archaeology is the tangible interaction with the past alongside scholarship and research.
What is one piece of field equipment that you absolutely cannot live without?
My hiking boots. A good, supportive pair of hiking boots cannot be overrated, IMHO.
What brought you to work in the consulting archaeology industry?
Consulting archaeology has been a great way of using the skills acquired in my bachelor’s degree immediately after graduating. I have learned a lot about being an archaeologist and how this discipline plays a role in other industries, not only in the academic sphere.
How did you learn about Circle, and what made you want to join our community?
I learned about Circle from a former professor at the UofA. Circle has fostered my growth as an archaeologist and has provided some great mentors with ready advice for career planning and goal setting.
How would you spend your evening if you were in a cabin with no cell service and no internet?
Depending on the weather, I would either be inside by a fire or outside on the porch (bugs-willing), with a glass of wine, whatever embroidery or sewing project I have on-the-go or a book, and, because this is imaginary, a dog at my feet to give pets to every now and then.
Name one to three facts about yourself that are unique.
1. I moved and lived between three continents growing up.
2. I have sung in three operas as a chorus member.
3. I have sewn two quilts on a tiny sewing machine.
Thanks for sharing, Abigail! There are lots of opportunities available out there for you, and Circle CRM is a great place to not only start, but to advance and further your career at a company that cares about your success and wants to see and help you achieve your goals. Visit our Job page to learn more.