Field notes

Happy Easter

Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter weekend and was able to spend it eating and relaxing, like I did. I probably didn’t need to eat as much as I did this weekend, but family get-togethers often involve really good food that you can’t help but eat, and then eat some more. Good thing spring has … Read More Happy Easter

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Field notes

We always wanted to be in a centrefold

Click here for the centrefold spread! If you aren’t aware of the SVG Public Archaeology Program, check it out now at  It was our chance to rescue and record some signfiicant (and very cool) archaeology on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent earlier this year.  This centrefold piece (by the International Airport Development Company) … Read More We always wanted to be in a centrefold

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Field notes

The new Listing of Historic Resources

The Land Use Planning Section of Alberta Culture and Community Spirit puts out a bi-annual Listing of Historic Resources, which essentially triggers developments to having impact assessments conducted.  It’s mainly used for small scale oil and gas, but other industries find it quite a useful tool as well.  In our Fall 2010 Newsletter, we analyzed … Read More The new Listing of Historic Resources

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