Field Notes

Social media musings on #smday

It’s Social Media Day!  To celebrate, I am providing you with my Top 5 finds today from Twitter and various blogs. 1.  My official Calgary Stampede nickname is Margarita “Doctor Release” de Guzman.  Ummm… comments? (Thanks @kuwindayyc) 2. 4000 people are officially “attending” Shag an Archaeologist Day.  That’s it??? (Thanks @diggingthedirt) 3. Social Media Day … Read More Social media musings on #smday

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Field Notes

Double wishlist Monday

If you’ve been in the field with me, you’ll have noticed 2 things: (1) I dislike sandwiches, and (2) I have a justifiable fear that my photos will be blurry. Enter Lytro and Kanz for making my day, and hopefully the rest of my career! Lytro is coming out with a camera that allows you … Read More Double wishlist Monday

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Field Notes

What a difference a year makes

About a year ago, I embarked on a new adventure.  No, not the Indiana Jones kind, not just yet. It was probably just as stressful, and perhaps as much of a roller coaster ride, though there were no life-threatening rolling boulders, just mortgage-threatening lines of credit.  One year later though, and I’m still alive and, … Read More What a difference a year makes

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Field Notes

Work for what you want

I consider myself a pretty positive person, but today I am going to complain, just a little bit.  I have heard on other social media sites, as well just from talking to people, that new graduates have exceedingly high job expectations.  Here is my tidbit of experience with that. Since January of this year, I … Read More Work for what you want

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Field Notes

Come dig in the Caribbean

In January 2011, we embarked on the pilot season of The SVG Public Archaeology Program… and it was a success.  Volunteers came from around the world to excavate at the site of Argyle 2, on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent.  We identified numerous features, excavated postholes and pits, and slowly but surely recovered a … Read More Come dig in the Caribbean

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