Hope to make you think

Why the past is important to the present – Part 2

As an archaeologist, I am constantly flooded with reminders of the past, some of which I purposely seek.  Some of them are accidental, perhaps coincidental.  These ones are from modern media, which, I have come to realize, may be the only way that people can understand and appreciate the lessons from the past.  I don’t … Read More Why the past is important to the present – Part 2

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Hope to make you think

Why the past is important to the present – Part 1

People will often ask why it’s important to study the past.  “Why is it important to collect and study all those rocks and stuff?  Don’t we have enough?”  Maybe it would seem more important if our “rocks and stuff” were actually coins, statues, jade masks or terracotta soldiers.  But, in reality, the smallest remnant of … Read More Why the past is important to the present – Part 1

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Field notes

The new Listing of Historic Resources

The Land Use Planning Section of Alberta Culture and Community Spirit puts out a bi-annual Listing of Historic Resources, which essentially triggers developments to having impact assessments conducted.  It’s mainly used for small scale oil and gas, but other industries find it quite a useful tool as well.  In our Fall 2010 Newsletter, we analyzed … Read More The new Listing of Historic Resources

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The business side of things

On a new mission

I just finished reading Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion and Purpose by Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.  If you aren’t aware, Zappos prides itself on its brand culture pipeline, and to sum it all up, all the people that work at Zappos WANT to be there and generally enjoy their job on a … Read More On a new mission

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