Field Notes

What do archaeologists do exactly?

People often wonder what it is archaeologists actually do… Or maybe they don’t, and they assume we’re out there livin’ it up like Indiana Jones or, my favourite, the Relic Hunter.  But it’s not true.  For the many of us, there are few amazing finds, and certainly no guns (although I have been asked if … Read More What do archaeologists do exactly?

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Field Notes

Social media musings on #smday

It’s Social Media Day!  To celebrate, I am providing you with my Top 5 finds today from Twitter and various blogs. 1.  My official Calgary Stampede nickname is Margarita “Doctor Release” de Guzman.  Ummm… comments? (Thanks @kuwindayyc) 2. 4000 people are officially “attending” Shag an Archaeologist Day.  That’s it??? (Thanks @diggingthedirt) 3. Social Media Day … Read More Social media musings on #smday

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Field Notes

What a difference a year makes

About a year ago, I embarked on a new adventure.  No, not the Indiana Jones kind, not just yet. It was probably just as stressful, and perhaps as much of a roller coaster ride, though there were no life-threatening rolling boulders, just mortgage-threatening lines of credit.  One year later though, and I’m still alive and, … Read More What a difference a year makes

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Field Notes

It’s Star Wars Day!

May 4th is an unofficial holiday to Star Wars fans, dating back to 1979 when an advertisement in The London Evening News, congratulating Margaret Thatcher on being elected the first female Prime Minister, read, “May the fourth be with you Margaret. Congratulations.”  Being a Star Wars fan (though not as hard core as some people … Read More It’s Star Wars Day!

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Field Notes

Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology

Now THIS is a dream come true. The Indiana Jones series has inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of archaeologists, and has brought archaeology successfully into the mainstream as something interesting and worth saving… and now there is a travelling exhibit about it! Not only will there be props from the movies, there will be examples … Read More Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology

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