Field notes

25 Years of Altamira

The year 2022 officially marks 12 years since Circle CRM Group was formed. But did you know Circle’s story also includes the story of Altamira Consulting Ltd? I know what you’re thinking… What? Who? But I’ll do you one better. Before there was Altamira, there was the Alberta Archaeology Company, which was founded in 1994 … Read More 25 Years of Altamira

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Forestry Archaeology

By: Alexandra Burchill   Forestry archaeology, otherwise known as the most badass type of archaeology, is as close as one can get to a lifestyle similar to Indiana Jones in 2022. Although we don’t often encounter snake pits, spike walls, or lost arks; we do encounter boreal wildlife, archaeological sites that are way older than … Read More Forestry Archaeology

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One Big Thing for 2022!

New year, new you! Am I right? At the start of every new year, it’s a pretty common practice to come up with a resolution or goal that we’d like to achieve or at least keep us on track for the year ahead. At Circle, one of our core values is ELEVATE and when we … Read More One Big Thing for 2022!

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Off-Season Activities

By: Amanda Wong   I don’t know where in the world you are right now reading this blog post, but where I am (Calgary), we’ve had a solid week of -30 weather and about 15 cm of snow. So, I think it’s safe to say that we are fully into winter. The ground is frozen, … Read More Off-Season Activities

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Circle’s Favourite Things

  The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time to come home from the field, spend time with your loved ones, and get your stretchy pants ready for a delicious meal or two. But then, of course, there’s the sometimes arduous task of gift giving – finding that one perfect thing, an actual tangible … Read More Circle’s Favourite Things

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