Field notes

Q&A With Erika

This month, we’re getting to know Resource Coordinator and Assistant Archaeologist Erika a little bit better! She grew up in New Mexico and has done a lot of archaeological work in Scotland and Alberta. Erika knows a ton about The Ness of Brodgar, an excavation site made up of monumental Neolithic buildings, which she studied … Read More Q&A With Erika

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Q&A With Anthony

As part of our efforts to better introduce you to each and every one of our team members, we are hosting a Q&A on the blog every month! For February, we want you to get acquainted with Anthony Russell, one of our Project Archaeologists. Anthony is a well-traveled Vancouverite (now Wetaskiwinner) who has done fieldwork … Read More Q&A With Anthony

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Results Oriented Thinking

Written by: Tyler Statz As our team was going through our yearly spring kick-off events, there were lots of discussions about what unique things each of us can bring to the table to help our team move forward. This got me thinking: “What does my background and interests bring to the table?” Looking around the … Read More Results Oriented Thinking

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Field notes

Winter is Coming: Doing Archaeology in Winter Conditions

Written by: Erik Johannesson Archaeology often conjures up the image of dust-covered, Indiana Jones-type figures, labouring away under a sweltering sun, sweat beading off their brows as they scrutinize the fine detail of their latest discovery. Or perhaps, that is the Hollywood version. Maybe the true image is one of a high-vis-wearing professional, gazing intently … Read More Winter is Coming: Doing Archaeology in Winter Conditions

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Field notes

Circle Digs: The One Flake Wonder

Written by: Jode MacKay As a field archaeologist, one of the most frustrating aspects of doing something you love for a living, is that singular, trivial, insignificant irritation, encountered over and over and over again. Try as you might, you can just never solve the problem, and it always ends with the same result and … Read More Circle Digs: The One Flake Wonder

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