Field notes

Q&A with GIS Technician & Assistant Archaeologist Sydney Atkinson

Sydney Atkinson is a GIS Technician & Assistant Archaeologist and has been with Circle CRM since July 2019. She graduated from the University of Lethbridge in 2018 with her B.Sc. in Archaeology and Geography, and just recently (April), graduated from the Southern Alberta Institute for Technology with a Bachelor’s degree in GIS. In her spare … Read More Q&A with GIS Technician & Assistant Archaeologist Sydney Atkinson

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Field notes

Where in the World With Jode MacKay

Next, in our Where in World series, we chatted with Jode MacKay, who is Circle CRMā€™s BC Senior Project Manager. Jode went away for his first field experience in southern Manitoba after his second year at University (1997). Since then, heā€™s been working in the field, starting as a student and then eventually moving to … Read More Where in the World With Jode MacKay

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Field notes

We’re Hiring!

This is our first time hiring a non-archaeologist in-house and we are pretty excited. Please check out the job description and reach out to apply! Please include a cover letter and tell us a bit about yourself.* Job Description – Administrator *Note that only successful applications will be contacted.

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